So I am studying for the OSCP (Offensive Security Certified Professional) certification and I’ve been playing around with some of the more obscure items in the Back Track Linux Distribution. One such item is CMS Explorer that enumerates through content management systems plug-ins and themes to look for vulnerabilities in the Drupal, WordPress, Joomla!, Mambo CMS.
The syntax is fairly straightforward and the results are fairly accurate. The cool thing is that it can tie in to the OSVDB database but you need to do two things to make it work properly.
Here are the results for my blog. As you can see this site is fairly light and all the vulnerabilities according to OSVDB are “unknown impact and attack vectors ” or listed as “flagged as being a Myth/Fake”.
Only downside for this enumeration is that it is fairly slow and can take up to an hour or more to run.
# ./ -url -type wordpress -osvdb
Beginning run against http:
Testing themes from wp_themes.txt...
Theme Installed: wp-content
Testing plugins...
Plugin Installed: wp-content
Plugin Installed: wp-content
Plugin Installed: wp-content
Plugin Installed: wp-content
Plugin Installed: wp-content
Plugin Installed: wp-content
Plugin Installed: wp-content
Plugin Installed: wp-content
Plugin Installed: wp-content
Theme Installed: wp-content
URL http:
SVN http:
Plugin Installed: wp-content
URL http:
SVN http:
WordPress akismet.php Unspecified Issue
WordPress wp-content
.php add_action() Function Path Disclosure
Plugin Installed: wp-content
URL http:
SVN http:
Plugin Installed: wp-content
URL http:
SVN http:
Plugin Installed: wp-content
URL http:
SVN http:
Plugin Installed: wp-content
URL http:
SVN http:
Plugin Installed: wp-content
URL http:
SVN http:
Plugin Installed: wp-content
URL http:
SVN http:
Plugin Installed: wp-content
URL http:
SVN http:
WP Super Cache
WordPress wp-cache-phase1.php plugin Parameter Remote File Inclusion
Plugin Installed: wp-content
URL http:
SVN http:
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